Englischer Aufruf

Dear GrundeinKommens,
We hope you are as excited as we are about the upcoming International Basic Income Week! You have probably been planning local or virtual events, and now is the time to add any basic income events you are planning during or around International Week to the calendar using the form here: https://basicincomeweek.org/ubi/calendar/
As a reminder, here are some international events that are planned, and different ways you can get involved:
1. Take a photo that shows your support for basic income, with a poster or sign, and use the hashtag #countonbasicincome to post it on social media- Get all your supporters to take part too! This is happening on Friday, Sep 18th, 2020: https://www.facebook.com/events/1078516839012293/. As part of the photo action this year, we are also encouraging everyone to show your support for basic income with an overlay on your Facebook profile picture. You can overlay your Facebook profile picture from now until Sept 20th using one of these two links.
2. Join in the 3rd international #basicincomebeer – Organise a get-together on Friday, September 18th, 2020 in your local pub, café, market square… and invite anyone interested in the subject to network, chat, and exchange information: www.facebook.com/events/940287139643902/. Or try hosting a virtual event!
3. Participate in or organize a #basicincomemarch – Organise or take part in a Basic Income March on Saturday, 19th Sep: see more details at https://www.basicincomemarch.com/ or https://twitter.com/IncomeMarch
***Please add any basic income events you are planning during or around International Week to the calendar using the form below, or reply to this email to let us know what they are. https://basicincomeweek.org/ubi/calendar/. Let us know if you have any questions! You can also check out all of the international events happening on our website: https://basicincomeweek.org/ubi/?fbclid=IwAR2QTkFccwwIpa1-dZ4CRhgtBxF9hLnF1teamcBkGmQdirjygDEOBnZZdSI
¡It Is Only With The Participation Of All Countries And All People That We Can Make It A Great International Basic Income Week 2020! ¡ Yes, We Can!?